cube dwelling: want to be successful? look posh

i came across the quote “want to be successful? look posh” in the book a vision of loviness by louise levene. it reminded me of advice i was given many years ago when i was first starting in my career: “dress for where you want to be and not where you are now.”

at the time i was temping as a legal assistant and was looking for something permanent so i could move out on my own. this was advice that stuck. i started dressing like someone who was serious about her ‘career’ and wanting to move ahead.

eventually i was given the chance to work in various positions in the company – nothing permanent but it might as well have been. I stayed on as a ‘temp’ for almost 2 years.

Working in various departments meant more opportunities to develop new skills and network. with an excellent reference from that office i moved on to a full-time job elsewhere; a well paying postion that required “business” attire – i wasn’t worried though because i already looked the part!

last year a colleague said to me, “you know when i first met you i thought you were a manager. you look like a manager.” i smiled because who knows?, maybe, some day.


roll-up to work lookin’ like you just rolled outta bed.


make an effort to dress like the superstar go-getter you really are. you’ll be amazed at the impact it can have.

About cassandra mcd.

World's coolest aunt (so I've been told). I'm all about personal growth and living a healthy lifestyle that prioritizes self-care and mental wellness. I want to embrace aging with swagger (and less gray hair), living life more mindfully and filled with an abundance of gratitude.
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